Reliable Outsourced Anesthesia Care

Anesthesia Service Consultants is an anesthesia provider group servicing out-of-hospital premises and independent health facilities. Our clients are experts in various dental and surgical fields including general and pediatric dentistry, bariatric surgery, plastic surgery, and oral surgery. With our large team of physicians and nurses, we are able to serve locations in the Greater Toronto Area, north to Orangeville and Vaughan, west to Brantford and Hamilton, and east to Ottawa and Cornwall.

Our Mission

We strive to provide safe, effective, and compassionate anesthetic care to all of our patients consistent with the standards and regulations that guide us as medical professionals.


Pediatric & Adult Dentistry

We are experienced interacting with children aged 2+ and can patiently address questions and concerns that parents may have related to general anesthesia for their child. We assist children and adults with dental anxiety, and those who require complicated care that is best done under general anesthesia, including children and adults with special needs with autism and developmental delay.

Surgical Care

Our care extends across several surgical fields including cosmetic plastic surgery, bariatric surgical procedures, and oral-maxillofacial procedures including complicated dental extractions and dental implant surgery.

Patient Safety

Our model of care allows us to confidently offer general anesthesia to both children and adults by utilizing a thorough screening process.  This includes a detailed preoperative questionnaire and patient consent process, a thorough patient/parent interview, and an appropriate physical examination.  When necessary, an anesthesia consultation can be arranged prior to surgery to ensure the medical optimization of a patient.